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Sunny or Rainy you'll always know the weather

The City of Franklin

sunny franklin

Weather Summary

sunny weather

High: 92°F

Low: 60°F

Current Temp: 60


Wind Speed: 2mph

Wind Chill: °F

10 Day Forecast

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10
89°F 87°F 78°F 75°F 72°F 72°F 79°F 83°F 85°F 89°F

Fire Spreads in Franklin Because of Record Highs

fire in franklin A series of severe wildfires have erupted in the surroundings of the city of franklin this week, burning more than 1000 acres. High winds, unusually high temperatures and a historic drought have all contributed to one of the worst and earliest fire seasons in recent years.