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Sunny or Rainy you'll always know the weather

The City of Springfield

sunny franklin

Weather Summary

sunny weather

High: 92°F

Low: 60°F

Current Temp: 60


Wind Speed: 2mph

Wind Chill: °F

10 Day Forecast

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10
89°F 87°F 78°F 75°F 72°F 72°F 79°F 83°F 85°F 89°F

Firefighters help in Franklin Fires

fire in franklin A series of severe wildfires have erupted in the surroundings of the city of franklin this week, burning more than 1000 acres. High winds, unusually high temperatures and a historic drought have all contributed to one of the worst and earliest fire seasons in recent years. In response to this the Greenville and Springfiled Firefighters team up to help Franklin.